The Ex MB of Selangor is craving for attention with the failure of the Umno-Pas talks. Khir toyo in his blog said;
Saya lakukan ini kerana percaya bahawa gabungan Pas dan BN akan memastikan kepentingan agama Islam dan orang Melayu tidak akan diperkotak-katikkan. Bagi saya yang penting ialah kepentingan agama Islam dan orang melayu terjaga bukan siapa yang menjadi pemimpin utama.
Malangnya, pengaruh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam Pas, melalui Setiausaha Agungnya, Kamaruddin Jaafar, telah menggagalkan usaha tersebut. Saya yakin selagi Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memainkan peranan penting dalam Pakatan rakyat, muzakarah tersebut tidak akan memberi sebarang kesan.”
The Ex MB should really take time off to do some soul searching as he tends to blame others in particular DSAI for whatever plans that goes wrong either from him or the BN Government. Has he taken any consideration of what the Rakyat or as he mention the Malays on the whole needs and wants. He was given the chance to change all that during his term as a MB,and what did he do? Presenting broom sticks to his staffs, chasing Alongs, prostitute dens, game machine and VCD peddlers. Yes, these social problems need to addressed but not by him in person, i believe we have the relevant departments to attend to it. He has bigger and more importantly the Sultan and Rakyat to care for.
To say that DSAI is the main cause of the Malay's disunity is not going to change anything nor it is going to bring him back to power, but only create more tension among Malaysians. The voters have spoken and given their mandate to the Pakatan in the recent GE, and mind you, even the Malays voted for the opposition, that will remain that until the next GE, if not sooner. And if DSAI is the cause, then i guess he must be doing everything right to gain so much support from the people. Having said that,its only fair for Toyo and the BN Government to get down to business to focus on the administration of the country even so if it means cooperating with the Pakatan rule state for the future and betterment of the Rakyat(Malaysians) with no particular race as an issue.
Why Hadi's language crusade will fail
*Why Hadi's language crusade will fail*
Andrew Sia
Published: Feb 23, 2025 10:45 AM
Updated: 1:45 PM
COMMENT | So the holy man goes on a “crusade”...
3 hours ago
A failure like Toyo has contributed nothing to the country, state or the rakyat....only getting himself loaded with ill gotten wealth. He does'nt even understand the religion Islam, that believes in!
khir does not deserve all this attention. He is an empty vessel. nothing more.
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