The Perfect combination! Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim & Tun Dr Mahatir
I have posted this before,cant help posting it again after reading reports,Malaysiakini,of Najib wanting Tun Dr.Mahatir to join BN when he takes over from AAB. I rather have the combination of DSAI and Tun. My older post:
With the recent General election results which the ruling party, BN ,lead by Badawi, failing miserably, the country on the whole is heading towards racial, social and economy turn moil. The Chinese, Indians, Malays and smaller ethnic race are divided. To add to all these woes, leaders of the ruling party representing the rakyat are squabbling among themselves. The end results to these problems would leave the rakyat as victims, and this would eventually cause racial tension among the once peaceful and harmonious atmosphere which we as rakyat has benefited and enjoyed for decades.
I am no politician nor expert to judge others, but even as a layman its obvious that the rakyat on the whole is experiencing the worst crisis since independence. Honestly, the ruling government has failed with the responsibilities entrusted to them by the rakyat.
I wish to see that leaders putting their differences aside for the sake of the rakyat and nation. And the best combination to lead this country would be no other than Tun Dr Mahathsir and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim themselves. Tun with his excellent leadership and management economically and DSAI with his charisma and strong relationship overseas, which i believe would bring foreign investors back to the country. Let's practice what we preach, so dearest Tun and DSAI put your differences aside, lets not be selfish and greed blind you from saving and putting this nation back from where it was or maybe even greater in the world.
And i believe that some of you will not agree to my opinion, but lets be realistic, its better trying than just waiting for the right leader to emerge, by then it will too late. TDM and DSAI in a way can also repent for their mistakes or wrong doing in the past if any.
Why Hadi's language crusade will fail
*Why Hadi's language crusade will fail*
Andrew Sia
Published: Feb 23, 2025 10:45 AM
Updated: 1:45 PM
COMMENT | So the holy man goes on a “crusade”...
3 hours ago
omg, what are you saying??? It's like wishing for the moon to turn purple! There's no way TDM will be welcomed back to rule Malaysia UNLESS he pays back every cent of the RAKYAT he had spent for the past 22 years! Good thought, though.
Shit! I thought by now EVERYBODY in Malaysia would have woken up to Dr M's true nature. Sad to see there are still a few who think he's a Great Leader. Porrah! That fler is the Mother of All Evil Mamaks, I tell you. Singlehandedly (just about, although Daim Z contributed some Godfatherly advice) Mahathir ruined the judiciary, castrated the monarchy, emasculated the media, turned the police into a pack of uncontrollable rabid dogs, corrupted more than 50% of the Malays by turning them into bodoh-sombong Melayu Baru, and brainwashed an entire generation into worshiping him as a demi-god. Okay, maybe Dr M accelerated the political growing-up process for people like me who were never interested in politics before October 1987 when 107 innocent citizens were arrested under the ISA just because Dr M was feeling threatened by the swelling sea of detractors and the rising chorus of dissenting voices. Truth be told, I will celebrate the demise of Dr M more joyfully than even the death of Zia ul-Haq, Pol Pot, Pinochet, and the Shah of Iran.
dear antares,
cool it, its just a thought. i am no supporter of any party nor individual. just looking at possibilities, if any. being humble and polite is what was taught by our parents, controlling ones emotions is vital as it can lead to self destrution. hope you get what i meant.
"To dream, the impossible dream"
Let us not look backwards, if a thing is broken, we just have to change it.
Nobody is indispensable in this world. I personally think, 50 years of BN rule, they have long overstayed their welcome. A change is necessary and healthy. There maybe, a lapse of slow down in the learning process of governance from the new administration. The important thing is that we offer new opportunities for a lot of untested talents to surface. We will then see, a new phase of the growing process of a young nation like Malaysia.
You seem to be contradicting your statement here.On one hand you expressed your concern with regards to racial polarisation in Malaysia and on the other hand you want the very person who reinforced all this racial polarisation i.e the Maharacist Mahathir to be welcome back.
I personally feel this is a god given opportunity brought about by courageous people like HINDRAF and BERSIH to effect a long overdue change.If we lose it now then we may never see the light of the day ever again.
I am not inclined to any politicians or political party but as a responsible citizen and who had gone through the unfair discriminatory policy of our country I now stand up to speak the truth as I see it fit.
I would like to give you one eg of Mahathir's arrogance and the racism in him.A few months after the historical ,uprising of our HINDRAF brothers on the 25th nov 2007,in one of the Malaysiakini's interview wth Mahathir,he said that the number of Indian drs and lawyers in Malaysia are 40%,(I would categorically deny this as a severely flawed statistics).When the reporter told him that the figures are flawed,Mahathir retorted that it was when he left office.Now it is not so much of Mahathir's denial as that was expected of him ,but i wish to emphasize here the vehemence in him when he diagreed,his body langguage was as though the Indians are aliens and not Malaysians therefore the number of these 2 proffessionals should be kept in check.Doesn't he is aware that even if he is right by saying the 40% figure,probably only 8% to 10% would have been produced by our local universities.Most of us had to toil in factories and oil rigs to save money before we embarked to realise our life long dreams,most parents selling and mortgaging their only houses.Arent these people going to come back and serve the nation?
I deviated a little here just to highlight the kind of leader you want to welcome back,since you expressed concern about racial segregation which is working at it's best now in Malaysia.
In the same breath I am not in a position to judge Anwar at this point of time though I do admire him for his role as a good ex-finance minister.But certainly I would give him the benefit of my doubt.
dear dr suresh,
thank you for commenting my posting, with regards to your comment i can understand the issue at hand of the struggle of Hindraf exisistence. As i have said in my posting, i am just an ordinary layman who would love to see that all race are treated as one,Malaysians,more over,most of us are not aware or not been informed of the actual statistics you mention. And the reason i posted The Perfect Combination was just a possibility of strengthening the present weak and incompetent leaders in BN. And i did mention in my post that many would not come to terms with such an idea.Just food for thoughts. My opologies. Regards.
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