Ezam seem to have so much hatred and bitterness towards DSAI, he has warn PKR that he has kept secrets that will be exposed. It looks like he has this habit of "collecting" or taking secret documents from others. He did it then,(when he was in PKR) remember, the 6 boxes of files on corruption by the BN lead Government. I, and i guess many of us are still waiting for him to expose that, it has been like 10years now, so until that happens, then only will he be taken seriously. Having said that, Umno also has to beware of Ezam's existence in the party or there will be another 6boxes waiting to be revealed.
Why Hadi's language crusade will fail
*Why Hadi's language crusade will fail*
Andrew Sia
Published: Feb 23, 2025 10:45 AM
Updated: 1:45 PM
COMMENT | So the holy man goes on a “crusade”...
3 hours ago
Hi everyone,
This Ezam guy has no credibility - remember the time when he presented to the PM dept a huge volume of purported compiled evidence on the misdeeds of a very senior minister. Why has he not pursued this case further? Why the deafening silence on his part now when there was so much publicity, fanfare, bravado and trumpeting during the presentation of the volume to the PM dept then?
More than a decade ago, this Ezam guy claimed he had 6 boxes of evidence of the misdemenours of the MM administration, claiming that when the time is ripe, he'd present the evidence. Since then, he had and is till being challenged to show the evidence from his 6 boxes! Why such deafening silence again? No evidence or already has compromised his credibility?
Ezam?? Who?? ohhh that "HOMO". Never like him
Jeyklls and Hydes in Malaysia. Are you?
Malaysians in dilemma? So many events and news both real and unreal. Don’t know who to believe? Bombarded with too much spins. These are the quotes, we now hear.
“Give up”, “Fed up”, “Wait and See”, “Lost interest”, “Headache”, “Cannot believe anyone”, “Who to believe ah?”, “Niamah”, “Pening kepala”, “Pening otak”, “Sudah lah”, “Pi mampus”, “Insyallah (God Willing)” or raise your palm and fist and put them together on National tv or or or or other blogs.
Why? Because it depends on what you want to perceive and your bias toward your own race, color, religion, party, groups, interests, superiority or plain dumbness.
That makes you something of a Jeykll and Hyde if you can’t differentiate between facts and fictions, good and evil, right and wrong, true or false. Too many Malaysians can’t decide now whether to become Jeykll or whether to become Hyde or when to become Jeykll or when to become Hyde.
Think hard and search your conscience from deep within and “Viola” you can differenciate between Night from Day. Throw out bias towards race, creed, superiority, affiliations, religion and beliefs, greed, power, cronyism etc and then see whether some of the things happening around is right or wrong , true or false, evil or good, facts or fiction.
1. Altantuya was killed and blown to bits. (Fact or Fiction).
2. Sodomy is as evil as murder. (True or False).
3. Anyone accused are innocent until proven guilty. (True or False).
4. Statutory Declarations and Police reports can be made to fool people. (True/False).
5. Anyman or woman will swear on his religion or beliefs to save his own skin. (True/False).
6. Race superiority is needed to rule Malaysians. (Fact or Fiction).
7. Religious superiority is needed to rule Malaysians. (Fact or Fiction).
8. All poor people need to be helped by Government. (True or False).
9. Corruption is a fact of life and should be tolerated. (Fact or Fiction).
10. ISA is needed because prevention is better than cure. (Fact or Fiction).
11. Free education is a right for all Malaysian children. (True or False).
12. Free healthcare is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
13. Free speech is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
14. Freedom of religions and beliefs is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
15. Liberty is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
16. All Malaysians and the world can be converted to a single culture, religion, race in future. (Fact or Fiction).
To be continued……
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