After reading the excerpts from the question-and-answer session by Malaysiakini’s Andrew Ong & Tarani Palani with Hospital Pusrawi’s general manager Wan Mahmood Wan Yaacob and hospital’s medical director Kamaruddin Ahmad.Kamaruddin i am amused with their answers. Now u tell me for instance Question 2 and 3. In Q2,he answered it is the same report than in Q.3 he answered, maybe or maybe not when you refer to Q.5 he said the content is same with the original. Read the excerpts taken from the interview and you be the judge of it... Doesn't make sense at all. There was no denial but sounds denying but in a way it is denying. Another correct, correct,correct saga i guess.
1. Q: If you have not been in contact with the doctor, how do you know that the doctor did not conduct a medical check-up for sodomy?
A: We based our decision on the medical report he wrote.
2. Q: So are there two different reports? Are they (the report that is circulating) the same (as the original)?
A: It is the same report.
3. Q: You do have the original report, so is it (the copy that is circulating) the genuine report?
A: I cannot say if it is the genuine unless someone confirms, the committee. Maybe, maybe not. It looks the same but it is not the original copy, that is with me.
Looks the same but it is not the same because we have the original copy.
5. Q: Are the contents the same? It is the original copy from Pusrawi?
A: Yes.
6. Q: He (Saiful) was not examined for sodomy, but (how come) the doctor said that there was no signs of sodomy.
A: He came complaining of pain in the anus, so that’s a part of the routine, you look for pus, bleeding.
7. Q: How is this different from an actual sodomy check-up?
A: He came complaining of anus pain not complaining of sodomy. So the doctor performed a check-up for anus pain not sodomy.
8. Q: What led the doctor TRO (to rule out) sodomy? Why?
A: Because Saiful mentioned that he was sodomised. Sodomy check-up has to be done by a specialist not a medical officer. You need a gut specialist. We don’t have one in Pusrawi.
9. Q: Does that mean that Dr Mohamed Osman is not qualified to make any conclusions?
A: He is not qualified to make any statements, any conclusions (with regards to sodomy).
10. Q: You have spoken to Dr Mohamed who has confirmed that he examined Saiful and confirmed that he has signed this medical report, why is the hospital still not convinced that it is the genuine medical report? Why is it taking so long to match the copy with the original copy?
A: We just realised this. When? Two days ago. It is just like VK Lingam said, “It looks like me, sounds like me but it is not me”.
11. Q: You are not disputing whether the medical report is real. You are disputing if Dr Mohamed has the qualifications to ascertain that (sodomy had occurred). Basically you are discrediting your own medical staff?
A: No, but not when concerning this case. Is he suspended? No, he is on leave.
12. Q; If the contents of the reports are the same are you acknowledging that the report could have been from Pusrawi?
A: It could have been. It is the same.
13. Q: There are two different writing on the medical report.
A: Yes, there are two different. The patient arrived to see a doctor, and he meet with a female doctor first. After he complained of his anus pain, than he was passed on to a male doctor (Dr Mohamed).
US blockade on AI chips won’t hurt data centres in Malaysia, says Liew Chin
*US blockade on AI chips won’t hurt data centres in Malaysia, says Liew
Chin Tong*
Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, Liew Chin Tong ...
11 minutes ago
Lies, lies, lies. Spin, spin, spin.
Yes, he is trying to discredit his own MO of more than 15 years experience who did a thorough job of checking b4 TRO Sodomy. The MO could only have TRO'd sodomy becoz the patient told him he was sodomised by 'someone prominent' and that somewhere something plastic, a condom or tube was used on him.
If it was a tube then it is not sodomy, but only assault.
It looks like maybe, but agrees word for word and diagram for diagram MR - how they lie without blinking or conscience while holding the holy book in one hand. Noble Doctors? Ptuii !!
So, why the spin? Surely, there cannot be a suggestion of Dr.Osman being part of any conspiracy since Saiful DID NOT get the support he otherwise would have from him (I mean Saiful picked Osman at random).
Looks like those with ambitions of being the next Minister of Health or in securing a billion ringgit direct-negotiation non-tendered govt or privatisation contract are making their play.
But, the plot curdles!! This is sensational:
“SAC II Rodwan Met Saiful 3 Days Earlier in Room 619 Concorde Hotel, KL.”
RPK at M2Day at
also check out ‘anwar ibrahim - jaccuse’ at
Their response to Q7-A: He came complaining of anus pain not complaining of sodomy.
Their response to Q8-A: Because Saiful mentioned that he was sodomised.
Dont go to PUSRAWI for your medical check up.
you complain of one thing they will check another.
This amounts to medical negligence by PUSRAWI. They should close down PUSRAWI who may be killing innocent people
how many more government institutions need to be brought down to cover up the case...
what specialist is needed by Puswari????
these shitheads dont know what the hell to do, this is the first time i heard of specialist sodomy examination……u know why???
i would bet since 1957 Merdeka, DSAI is the second male-male sodomy accused!!! they where got experience?
whos the first? Him ALSO!!!!! and thats proven trumped up!!!!
Q.Why the Doctor is on leave?
A.The police bothered him too much. So we ask him to go on leave.
Q.WHat does the police want?
A.They said..his handwriting VERY bad. Cannot read! So they said can you write another report? what did he do?
A.He told the police he has to go wash his hands first. The police complained he never went back to them.
Q.SO where is he now?
A.We are professionals. We respect a doctor's right to be wherever he is.
Q.You mean you dont know?
A.Of course we know..but being professionals we never tell...
Due respect to the muslim brothers for my comment.
This is supposed to be a muslim hospital, it is indirectly bringing down the muslim religion with these twisting and acknowledging the truth. Don't these people have any conscience in them. It certainly gives a very poor impression of this hospital.
Piss Raw Wee will go down in our nations' history as a Snake-Pit Medical Centre headed by unprincipled SPINDOCTORING QUACKS!!
Malaysians, take your biz elsewhere. Next time it may be your medical report that may suddenly appear on the WWW !!
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