A typical example i commented in my last blog about why we need an alternative channel to express our views and also quench our thirst for news. The Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar, being a man of high standing position couldn't even give a proper answer or explanation to the public of the whereabouts of the missing PI or is it supposed to be classified information only for the Government to know and the rest of us kept in the dark? We have the right to know where he is, as this will only give us more reason to believe that the Government has conspired the retraction of the first SD by the PI. How are we going to feel safe with with such answers from him, he is responsible for approximately 28 million of us, can we safely say that we are in good hands? I read this statement from another blog as how the minister answered to reporters. (Susan Loone's Blog)
“Why you asked me? I also don’t know. I am sure he is somewhere and he might be safe with his family. But I don’t know where he is,” he said when met at the Parliament lobby yesterday.
“Some people are looking for him but could not find him. But I don’t know where he is.”
Asked if there were any immigration records of Balasubramaniam leaving the country, Syed Hamid said he was not aware of it. The minister said he was leaving the matter to the police. “It’s up to the police whether there is any action to be taken or something that we should take action on. The police need to look into it,” he said.
He seem to take a typical "tidakapa" attitude of the issue, it gives me a chill in the spine to think of us having a Home Minister who we lay our life and safety in his hands. May God Bless us all then.
Why Hadi's language crusade will fail
*Why Hadi's language crusade will fail*
Andrew Sia
Published: Feb 23, 2025 10:45 AM
Updated: 1:45 PM
COMMENT | So the holy man goes on a “crusade”...
3 hours ago
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